Road rage incidents can be frightening to witness or be a victim of, due in large part to the fact that they can occur in an instant. Road rage typically happens because of a perceived careless action of one driver that causes harm or almost causes harm to another driver. As a result, the “victim,” which could be either driver, might become so enraged that they attempt to punish the other person. The end result can be violent and possibly deadly.
Examples of Motorcycle Road Rage
One of the primary aspects of road rage is that there’s never a good reason for it, even if the carelessness of another driver puts the motorcyclist in danger. Because of this, what causes a road rage incident can be due to something as mundane as:
● A car driver neglected to turn on their turn signal before switching lanes.
● A car driver followed too closely behind the motorcycle.
● The car driver exhibits road rage after a motorcyclist passes them too quickly.
● The car driver exhibits road rage after the motorcycle accidentally swipes the car when driving too closely.
Who is Liable for a Motorcycle Road Rage Incident?
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, around half of all drivers who are victims of some form of aggressive behavior admit that they respond in kind with similar aggressive behavior or with an even worse action. To determine who is liable for a motorcycle road rage incident, it’s important to understand that the original act of aggression might not be considered a crime. Though tailgating and rude gestures can be frustrating or even dangerous in some cases, they aren’t necessarily crimes. If a motorcyclist on the receiving end of an aggressive action responds by assaulting the other person, they would be held liable for the incident.
Common examples of assault and battery involving road rage include:
● One driver intentionally hits the other vehicle.
● The driver of one vehicle intentionally runs the other off the road.
● One driver leaves their vehicle and attacks the other driver.
If any of these aforementioned issues take place, the driver who committed them could be held liable for battery and even assault.
Penalties Associated with Motorcycle Road Rage
In the event that a motorcycle road rage incident involved battery or assault, the penalties can be both civil and criminal in nature, which is why it’s recommended to seek representation for your case from motorcycle accident lawyers relies on. If the other driver is at fault, you might consider filing a lawsuit or claim against them for damages. Restitution could include medical bills, wage loss, and even punitive damages if the crime was intentional.
Along with the civil suit and insurance claim, it’s also possible for the victim of a road rage incident to contact the police to pursue criminal charges. In this case, testimony from witnesses will probably be necessary. Punitive damages cannot be collected in a criminal lawsuit. One of our attorneys will be able to better identify the options you might consider in your case if you were a victim of road rage.