When choosing an attorney, it is important to know a lawyer’s credentials. C&C is regularly in the news, and is well known as a leader in the community.
Wayne Cohen has on numerous occasions appeared on local and national television shows and in print media. Specifically, he has appeared in The Washington Post, USA Today, The Legal Times, The Wall Street Journal (front page with photo), The Washington Times, The Montgomery Journal (front page with photo), CBS Evening News with Dan Rather, Fox News, CBS News, ABC News, NBC News, The Today Show, Dateline, WTOP Radio, Washingtonian Magazine, and Jet Magazine. He has also been invited to appear on Court TV, The Sallie Jesse Raphael Show, Prime Time Live, The Phil Donahue Show, and CNBC.
Washingtonian Magazine best described Mr. Cohen when it called him one of Washington’s “most feared personal injury lawyers.” Also, The Wall Street Journal described Mr. Cohen as “brash, aggressive, and enterprising.” Mr. Cohen is a former amateur boxer who zealously pursues his cases and has won millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for his clients. Mr. Cohen is a 1991 graduate of the University of Miami School of Law, cum laude, and received a Bachelor of Science, with distinction, from the University of Michigan, in 1988.