If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you are probably well aware that medical costs will be high. After you’ve received all your treatments, you could pay tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills. Who pays for those exactly? Let’s take a look at some of the parties that might be responsible for covering your medical costs:
Your Own Car Insurance Provider
If have medical payments coverage, your health insurance provider may require you to use all of that coverage before it pays your medical bills. Medical payments coverage is usually available in amounts ranging from $1,000 to $25,000 and there aren’t any deductibles.
Your Health Insurance
Once you’ve reached your policy limit on your medical payments coverage., your health insurance should take care of the rest of the medical bills.
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Insurance
Even though it’s required, some drivers still don’t carry liability insurance. And some only carry a minimum amount of insurance required by law. Uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance was created for that.
If you are injured and the driver who hit you is uninsured, you have to rely on your own insurance company. If your damages are more than an underinsured driver’s liability policy, you can proceed against your own insurance company.
The Other Driver
While you’re mainly responsible for any medical bills that resulted from the accident, you have the right to sue the other driver for damages, including past and future medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering.
Healthcare providers have lien rights on any proceeds that are from a settlement or verdict. When you or your personal injury lawyer get a notice about a lien from a doctor or hospital, you must pay back the debt owed after you’ve obtained your settlement.
If you suffered injuries from a car accident, the idea of paying all those medical bills out of pocket can be daunting. That’s why it’s in your best interest to consult with a car accident lawyer such as the Fredericksburg VA car accident lawyer as soon as possible. He or she can evaluate your case and determine if you are eligible to receive compensation. If you win a settlement, it can cover your medical bills and other losses that resulted from the accident. Many car accident lawyers offer free initial consultations, so you have nothing to lose by setting up a meeting with one.
Thanks to authors at Martin Wren P.C. for their insight into Personal Injury Law.